Openbits: Free & Open Bits


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Open… un concepte amb mil derivades…

Al wiki de la P2P Foundation…



2 Responses

  1. mqcarbo ha dit:

    Comentari sobre uns dels “Open” paradigmes: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    Obituary: The Recession Has Broken SOA’s Neck
    Computerwoche, Germany – 01/12/2009

    In a commentary published by Computerwoche, Anne Thomas Manes, a research director at consultancy Burton Group, writes an “obituary” on SOA, saying that while SOA is dead, software services will continue to exist. According to Manes, SOA died on 1 January 2009. “The disastrous impact of the recession” has sounded the death knell for the idea. However, some of SOA’s descendants will survive. These include mashups, BPM, SaaS, cloud computing, and other architectural approaches that depend on services. Instead of becoming a savior, SOA has become a “large, failed project” in most organizations, criticizes Manes. The pledges and expectations tied to SOA have never been redeemed. Despite huge investments worth millions of dollars, many companies’ IT systems did not improve – even worse, their situation has deteriorated in single cases. Manes makes clear that companies would be well advised to align IT projects to their needs and try to obtain a better understanding of related problems. It is therefore necessary for CIOs to start examining their application architecture as a whole, instead of merely implementing isolated integration projects. “SOA has become a faux-pas word. We must erase it from our vocabulary,” concludes Manes. (Full article in German)…. Click here for Computerwoche, Germany >>



  2. Hola Miquel,

    No en tinc ni XXX idea d’arquitectura de sistemes, no sòc informàtic, pero no veig la relació entre el SOA i la cultura “Open”. Pel que intueixo (més que entendre), el SOA ( és una forma de integrar els sistemes informatics d’una empresa i fer-los interoperables ¿no?. Una tecnologia de integració de sistemes, vaja.

    El món “open” del que es parla a aqui, i suposo que a les pàgines de la P2P Foundation, té a veure amb la perdua d”apropiació” legal o de qualsevol restricció/barrera practica en l’accès –de qualsevol persona o grup– a continguts (drets de copia), software (codi), coneixements (open acces), hardware (especificacions de disseny) etc..

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