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El service agreement de Google Docs i la privacitat

Algunes diferències entre el software wiki i el google docs per a treballar col·laborativament i “on time” sobre un mateix document, extret d’una llista de distribució, i una addenda sobre la privacitat i les polítiques de servei i de privacitat del cloud computing…

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Cristina <> wrote:

> Meryl: Googledocs is like a wiki in that you can use it to write
> collaboratively with others. But there are significant differences between
> Googledocs and wikis. In a wiki you can create a web of pages, while in
> Googledocs you can’t. In Googledocs documents can be saved, published and
> printed in different formats, while material you create in a wiki is simply
> published right in the Web space. I think of Googledocs more as “MS Office
> plus”–same formats, similar ways of organizing, viewing and publishing
> documents, but with some added advantages, including the ability to share
> documents easily, access them from anywhere where you can get on the Web and
> chat with others who are viewing or editing the document.
> Dana: I was just going to ask about security. I’m glad you commented on
> that. Would you tell me more about Google’s privacy policy?

Dana Rotman <>

First, we must remember that GoogleDocs is a free service which is provided
under the terms of a unilateral service agreement, and that Google has the
ability to change/modify/revoke it (and the service at any given time).

A close look at the terms of service reveals some interesting caveats –
1. Section 11.1 determines that “By submitting, posting or displaying the
content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free,
and non-exclusive licence to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish,
publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you
submit, post or display on or through, the Services
.” This may be just a tad
problematic privacy- and intellectual-property- wise. This sections
continues to include other undisclosed entities with whom “Google has
relationships for the provision of syndicated services

2. Google’s general privacy agreement (which applies in the case of
GoogleDocs as well) applies mostly to personal identifying information
(name, address, etc.), and to a lesser extent applies to the content of the
documents shared on GoogleDocs. The gap between the two, and the fact that
the content that is embedded in GoogleDocs is not protected by the company’s
privacy policy can be a reason for concern.

This, of course, does not mean that it is a very helpful and convenient
service, but that it should be used with caution.


A mi el que he assenyalat en negreta, si és aplicable a les dades que de mi té Google, em genera una esgarrinaça que em recorre tota l’espinada. I això que sòc el fan número un del mòn muncial de Google en altres terrenys….  Però no pot ser, no m’ho crec….

Sisplis, algun advoccat s’ho ha mirat i ho clareix l’estaré molt agraït  😀

Filed under: Drets de copia, Google, Privacitat, Surveillance, control elctrònic

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