Openbits: Free & Open Bits


Hi ha moltes Societats del Coneixement possibles. Aquí apostem per una d’oberta i lliure.

Funcionalitats d’algunes Xarxes Socials Online

Interessant sobre com una comunitat concreta (en aquest cas els bibliotecaris) poden aprofitar el SaaS en forma de xarxes socials online, per a


While Bebo, Facebook, hi5, MySpace, and Orkut are among the better-known general online social networks, there is an ever-increasing number of online networks that have emerged for and within a wide variety of communities. Among many others, these include networks for academe and education (e.g., EduSpaces), people of color (e.g., Black Planet), Boomers (e.g., Boomj), business (e.g., Linked-In), LGBT groups (e.g., OUTeverywhere), religion (e.g., MyChurch), and researchers and scholars (e.g., Nature Network).

This workshop provides an overview of the more significant niche online social networks, reviews their common and unique features and functionalities, and considers the potential opportunities for wider engaged library outreach to these communities. [URL]

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